
Judges 1:1-10 – Spiritual Victory, What Does It Really Mean? (January 19, 1997) – MP3YouTube
In this introduction to the Book of Judges, we discover that Judges is a manual and primer on Christian warfare.  The greatest and mightiest military leader that we can possibly follow is our Captain Jesus Christ.  If we follow Him into battle trusting in His power, He can lead us to victory.  Other passages mentioned include: Exodus 21-24-25; 1 Peter 2:11-12; Numbers 13:22, 28, 32-33; Joshua 15:13-14; 2 Timothy 1-6-7.

Judges 1:11-15 – Do It Right, Dad (1997) – MP3YouTube
What can we learn from Caleb offering his daughter’s hand in marriage to whoever attacks Kirjath Sepher and takes it?  What kind of son in law did Caleb want for his daughter?  What kind of spouse would we choose for our children and what can we do about it?  What do our children need that is as important as food on the table and clothes on their backs?  Other passage mentioned include: Numbers 13-14:9; Proverbs 31:10-31.

Judges 1:16-20 – The Enemy Has Iron Chariots (April 13, 1997) – MP3YouTube
Iron chariots were not a problem for the Almighty God, but they were a problem for the tribe of Judah.  Do we have problems in our lives, like the iron chariots, that we think there is no hope? When the iron chariots of the enemy appear in our lives, with God on your side, it is always too soon to quit. The iron chariots were too big and too strong for the whole tribe of Judah, but the sons of a giant are too small and too weak to resist a man of faith like Caleb. God can use the iron chariots and giants in our lives to bring us deliverance and victory. What we need to do, is to trust Him to do it. Victory is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord. Other passages mentioned include: Numbers 13:1-14:9; John 6:47.

Judges 2:6-19 – Is Your God a Stranger? (June 22, 1997) – MP3YouTube
In this message given the day after Zane’s 65-year-old birthday party, Zane looks at the nation of Israel and their turning away from the Lord after the times of Joshua and various judges.  Zane applies this as an illustration and warning for our own Christian lives.   A Christian can drift so far from God that God is a stranger to such Christian.   The surest evidence that we as Christians are not having intimate fellowship with God is disobedience to His commandments. Are we committed to God and walking in His ways, so that God will not be a stranger?  Other passages mentioned include: John 17:3-4; 1 John 2:3-4; Proverbs 3:11-12; Hebrews 10:30-31; Hebrews 12:28-29.

Judges 3:12-30 – Stab Deep, Run Fast, and Fight Hard (November 30, 1997) – MP3YouTube
Even though eternal salvation is free, the Christian life is rugged and tough. The Christian life is for fighters. In this passage from the book of Judges regarding the left-handed Ehud and the children of Israel ‘s struggle against the Moabites and their fat Moabite king, Eglon, Zane illustrates how this is also a pattern of a Christian’s struggle against his own sinful flesh. The sinful flesh’s authority and right to rule over a Christian, has been crucified with Christ. Although the authority of our sinful flesh has died, we as Christians still need to run fast when it comes to strong temptations and situations that endanger our freedom from the sinful flesh. Finally, Christians, through the strength of God and by faith in God’s power, need to put to death the sinful habits of their flesh and allow God to transform them more and more into the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Other passages mentioned include: Colossians 3:5; John 6:47; Genesis 19:30-38; Galatians 5:24; Romans 6:6; and 2 Timothy 2:22.

Judges 3:31; 5:6-7 – Hard Pressed on Every Side, Yet Not Crushed! (December 28, 1997) MP3YouTube
Have you ever felt that you cannot relate to the amazing stories in the Bible, because you are just an average person? The story of Shamgar illustrates for us that God has the capacity to reach into the most obscure places and touch the most unknown and insignificant people and pull them out and use them for His glory.  You don’t need to be somebody to become somebody for God.  If you have the capacity to trust God, God knows where you are, and God can pull you out of your obscurity and use you to accomplish victories for Him.  All believers have a weapon to fight the battles of life, which is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  In order to be triumphant when you are hard pressed on every side, you need to know how to use God’s word and apply it to your life and situation.  When we win our own personal victories, those victories can be used for the benefit and deliverance of other people. Zane also relates his brush with danger in his encounter with a youth gang. Other passages mentioned include: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9; Hebrews 4:12; Ephesians 5:25.

Judges 4:1-24; 5:24-27 – Can You Do It Alone? (January 25, 1998) MP3YouTube
Other than God, who are we relying on, in order to live a successful Christian life? In this passage regarding Barak, the Israeli commander, and Deborah, the prophetess and judge, we learn that a successful Christian life is possible without the protection and assistance of others, when we have complete confidence in God to see us through.

Judges 5:1-31 – How Far Would You Hike to Play on God’s Team? (March 8, 1998) MP3YouTube
This passage is the song of Deborah which celebrates the victory that God gave Israel over Jabin, king of the Canaanites. Some Israelites were examples of those who willingly offered themselves for the service of the Lord. You do not need to be a seminary professor or a seminary student to serve the Lord in your church. All you need to do is to be willing to do what God wants you to do. How much sacrifice would you make to play on the Lord’s team and to do the things that God wants you to do. Does the Lord need help? No. Does the Lord want help? Yes. The Lord gives to His people the opportunity to help in His work and to be richly rewarded for it.

Judges 6:1-10 – Grab Hold of the Rescue Ride (January 3, 1999) – MP3YouTube
Do you feel the difficulties in your life, are similar to being caught in quick sand? Do you wonder how you are going to survive? If this describes your life experience, as it did the Israelites in the sixth chapter of the book of Judges, then it is possible that there is something wrong between you and the Lord. Sometimes troubles are sent by God in order to have us turn to His Word and have our hearts return to God in repentance. Although we may be away from God for a long time, the door to return to God always remains open. Other passages mentioned include: John 6:47; John 5:24; Acts 16:31.

Judges 13 – Samson’s Dad (April 21, 2002)  – MP3YouTube
God has given fathers a very important role in the home. What kind of father (Manoah) did Samson have? By examining Manoah’s relationship with God, we see how Manoah’s relationship with God had a negative impact on the development of his son, Samson. If there are significant flaws in a father’s spiritual character, it will be seen by his children and will have a negative impact on them.  There is an enormous privilege in being a father but there is also a solemn responsibility, which fathers will be held accountable for. Judges 14-15, Ephesians 5:25 are also mentioned.