
Jeremiah 31:31-34 – Regeneration: A New Covenant Blessing (August 26, 2005) YouTube / Transcript (page 91)
In this message given at the 2005 Grace Evangelical Society Conference, Zane discusses the subject of regeneration in the Old Testament and the New Covenant for Israel and the application of the New Covenant to the church.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 – Justification: A New Covenant Blessing (August 27, 2005) YouTube / Transcript (page 99)
In this second message given at the 2005 Grace Evangelical Society Conference, Zane discusses whether the New Covenant entailed a guarantee of regeneration and the distinction between forgiveness and justification.

Jeremiah 38:1-13; 39:15-18 – Those Beautiful Old Rags (January 2002)MP3 / YouTube
The church needs faith, courage, kindness, compassion and courtesy.  When we have the courage to speak up for God, it is amazing what God can do with our simple words. There may be a limit on what you can give to God financially, but there is no limit on kindness, compassion and courtesy to others. Passages mentioned include 1 Samuel 16:7; Ephesians 4:32; and 1 Peter 3:8.