
1 Kings 4 – The Golden Age of Israel and Solomon’s Broadness of Heart – MP3YouTube
In 1 Kings 4, we get a picture of the golden age of Israel, when Israel was walking in God’s ways under the leadership of Solomon, who was humble enough to have confessed his own ignorance and to have asked God for wisdom. This serves as a contrast to all that the nation will lose in the subsequent chapters of Kings. However, by the grace of God, all that was lost will be restored and even more so under the King of kings and Lord of lords.  1 Kings 4 also describes Solomon as having a broadness of heart.  What does this mean and how can this lead to godly wisdom?  The following questions are asked at the end: Is Solomon’s kingdom an Old Testament type of Jesus Christ’s kingdom to come? Did Solomon’s kingdom literally fulfill all of God’s promised lands to the nation of Israel?  Other passages mentioned include: 1 Kings 3:5-15; Judges 16; Genesis 2:19-20; Genesis 3:1-3.

1 Kings 18:1-19 – The Fear of God and the Love of God (2000) MP3YouTube
The strange behavior of Obadiah, administrator of King Ahab’s house, serves as a mirror for us to examine whether we are afraid that God will not help us when we are in need.  The starting place for all true spiritual wisdom comes from a reverence and respect for the greatness and majesty of the power of God.  However, although the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, the fear of God is not the end of wisdom.  What is our image of God?  Is it an image, where God is a stern and righteous and judgmental Father?  If we have a fear that God won’t stand by us in our hour of need, we need the reassurance from the word of God of God’s compassion and love for us.  Other passages mentioned include: Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7; Romans 8:35, 37-39; 1 John 4:10.  Please note, that the original recording contains moments where the microphone failed to record.