
Luke 1:5-7, 57-66 – What Do the Neighbors See?MP3 / YouTube
Elizabeth and Zacharias are obeying the word of God.  They are united by the strongest tie that can bind parents together. They are deeply committed to the will of God for their child, John.  Blessed is the home where God is working and where the neighbors can see it. The only way to be a good neighbor is to have a home filled with the obedience and worship of God and where the mercy of God is magnified before men. Other passages: Psalm 127:3; Luke 1:13-7.

Luke 2:1-7 – Do I Look Like My Brothers’ Brother? (1986)MP3 / YouTube
For believers, the Lord Jesus Christ is not only our Friend, but also our Brother. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that is the greatest act of friendship that was ever done. We should be challenged so that we resemble our Brother, the Lord Jesus Christ. Two of the great themes illustrated by the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ are the themes of submission and humility.  Expressing submission and humility is not something that we naturally do the best, but it is the only way we can resemble Jesus Christ in this world.  Other passages mentioned: John 15:13; Hebrews 2:11; Romans 8:29; Revelation 21:2-3; Philippians 2:5-8; Ephesians 5:21; Luke 22:27.

Luke 3:1-6,10-14 – Preparation for Comfort (1980)MP3 / YouTube
“Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God.”  What do you really know about the comfort of God?  Do you understand God’s comfort in your own life and are you able to share it with other people?  Our hearts and lives are not ready for the blessings with which God desires to comfort us until we know something about comforting other people in their need.  When God’s people pursue equity, honesty and kindness, then God’s glory can be seen in the midst of His people and other men will also see it there.  Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that God is looking for geniuses, orators or superstars, but what God is really looking for are people who have a genuine concern for the needs of other people, who are scrupulously honest, and who really know something about the art of kindness and consideration and gentleness towards all.  When God finds an individual like that, He can build the kind of life which can be filled with the blessings and mercies of God, which are the only true comfort of the human heart.  God is always eager to comfort His people if we are prepared to receive it.  Other passages mentioned include: Isaiah 40:1-5, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, James 1:27, 1 John 3:17, Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 5:7, Philippians 4:5 and John 13:35.

Luke 3:15-20 – Get Real (1986)MP3 / YouTube
Sometimes we get the chance to pretend to be something we are not. John the Baptist had the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to play the role of the Christ of God. What is really important in life? It isn’t you, it isn’t your personal affairs, and it isn’t even the work that you do for God. What is really important in life is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and Lord. Happy is the Christian man and woman who paints Jesus at the very center of the canvas of their lives. Other passages mentioned include: Matthew 14:1-12; Matthew 11:7-11; and 2 Timothy 1:12.

Luke 6:12-19 – Sharpen Your Imitation (November 22, 1987)MP3 / YouTube
Imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the secrets of the Christian life.  Jesus through prayer was dependent on God, discerning in His relationships with men, and dynamic in His service to others.  Prayer expresses our dependence upon God, our need for His discernment as we relate to people, and our urgent reliance upon God’s power to work in and through us.

Luke 6:20-26 – Your Life: What Is It Worth? (1988) MP3YouTube
What is real success all about? What is your lifestyle really worth?  If you are a born again person who has received from Jesus Christ the free gift of everlasting life, and if in addition to that, you are a disciple of His by following Him, then every negative experience is a doorway to spiritual and eternal success. One of the best things that can ever happen to you as a Christian is to have somebody reject you for your Christian faith and for your commitment to Jesus Christ.

Luke 6:27-36 – You Have Got to Have Heart (April 1988) MP3YouTube
What is real success all about? What is your lifestyle really worth?  If you are a born again person who has received from Jesus Christ the free gift of everlasting life, and if in addition to that, you are a disciple of His by following Him, then every negative experience is a doorway to spiritual and eternal success. One of the best things that can ever happen to you as a Christian is to have somebody reject you for your Christian faith and for your commitment to Jesus Christ.

Luke 6:37-42 – Good Advice for Christian Advisors (1988) – MP3YouTube
Three pieces of advice for Christian advisors: First, you get back what you give. Second, you cannot lead the way if you do not see the road. Third, if you need major surgery, operate on yourself first.

Luke 6:43-49 – Don’t Jog Around Reality (1988) – MP3YouTube
The words that come out of our mouth are the fruit of our inner life.  The way we act in response to the Word of God decides the way we end.  In eternity there are no monuments to people who live life their own way.  The monuments of eternity belong to those whose good character is revealed in their words and whose commitment to Jesus Christ is revealed in their deeds of obedience.

Luke 7:1-10 – How Good Is Your Teddy Bear? (1988) – MP3YouTube
If you lose your compassion for other people and if you lose humility of heart, there is danger that you will lose your confidence in the Word of God. If we are people who care about other people and if we are men and women who have a humble heart, then we can also be men and women who have great confidence in God’s grace. If you would like to bring up the ragtag rear of the Christian army, then build your life on the shifting sands of your opinions and desires.  But, if you want to stand tall in the army of faith, build your life on the solid rock of the absolute authority and power of the Word of God.  Other passages mentioned include: Galatians 5:6; 1 Peter 5:5-7 and James 4:6.

Luke 7:1-17 – What Happens When Everything Collapses? (1988) MP3YouTube
Jesus Christ, our Lord, is the Friend who comes in when all the world has come out. As believers in Jesus Christ all of our temporary sorrows will be swallowed up in unbelievable eternal joy. Other passages mentioned include: Hebrews 4:15; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18; and 2 Timothy 2:13.

Luke 8:19-25 – Who Am I? Who Is He? (1992)MP3YouTube
A very real spiritual identity crisis often lies at the root of the frustrations and failures that we experience in Christian living. Sometimes under the pressures of life, we forget who Jesus is and what He is like. We forget the greatness of His power, the sufficiency of His strength, the abundance of His mercy and the plenitude of His grace, and Jesus becomes like a stranger.  Jesus Christ has everything we could possibly need or want and yet He is always right there right besides us.  The shortest way to the end of our frustrations, difficulties and perplexities, is the companionship and friendship and the presence and power of Jesus Christ, the Almighty Son of God.  The Lord Jesus Christ gives Himself to us first as our Savior when we trust Him for that, and then as we learn to obey Him, as our Brother, our Companion and our Friend.

Luke 8:40-56 – The Troubled ChristianMP3YouTube
In this message given at Christ Bible Fellowship of Del Rio, Texas, pastored by Chip Brunott, Zane Zane Hodges challenges believers to examine their spiritual wardrobe. What are the qualities that make for a well-dressed Christian?

Luke 9:57-62 – The Committed Christian (1982)MP3YouTube
For the one who has believed in Jesus for the free gift of eternal life, Jesus doesn’t want a rash, shallow or superficial commitment.  Jesus wants a serious and well-considered commitment. Jesus doesn’t want a reluctant commitment, that says, “Not now or later, Lord.” Jesus wants an unhesitating top-priority commitment. Jesus doesn’t want a regretful commitment.  Jesus wants a whole-hearted and undivided commitment. Questions and Answers at: 30:27 About the second person who was reluctant in following Jesus, given that there are Scriptures to take care of one’s family, do you see a problem with thinking that in your commitment to the Lord that you will take care of your family? 31:55 Can you distinguish between the kingdom of God and the church? 32:52 Can you be a part of the kingdom of God without being part of the church? 33:27 Can you distinguish between salvation and discipleship?  Are there those who are not disciples, but are saved? 35:58 What did it mean that the disciples doubted and what are the implications of that for Christians? Other passages mentioned: Judges 7; Matthew 10:37; Colossians 1:13; Revelation 22:17; Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 11:2-3; John 1:32-34; Luke 24:41; Numbers 21:4-9.

Luke 10:38-42 – You Aren’t Listening, Are You? (May 1984)MP3YouTube
If you think it is bad to lose communication with a partner in marriage, then it is even worse to lose communication with God.  Did you ever stop to think what a tremendous privilege it would be to have Jesus Christ as a guest in your home? That was exactly the opportunity given to two ladies in this passage by the names of Mary and Martha.  When we turn our attention to the Word of God, it ought to be as if God and I are alone in the world.  God must have our undivided attention.  The more you complain about your lives, the less you will be able to hear God speaking to your heart through His Word. One of the main problems that we have in the Christian life, is that we think we need to do lots of things, that we do not need to do. We overload ourselves with things that we do not have to do, so that we do not have time for the things we really need to do, that is time for the Word of God. Other passages mentioned: John 11; John 6:4-13; Matthew 14:32-38.

Luke 11:1-4 – The Shadow of the Almighty GodMP3YouTube
What are the ABCs of effective Christian prayer?  (A) We focus on the name of God. (B) We submit to the purposes of God. (C) We live under the shadow of God. Other passages: Psalm 91:1; Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12.

Luke 11:5-8 – Are You a Persuader? (1990) MP3YouTube
God wants us to regard Him as the kind of heavenly Friend that we can go to in times of emergency at any hour of the day or night.  One the most valuable things we can do, is to cultivate friendship and intimacy with God through prayer. A persuader is a man who knows that he has a generous heavenly Friend, who comes to Jesus Christ for the needs of his friends, and who comes to God in boldness.  Other passage: Hebrews 4:16.

Luke 12:1-3; 1 Corinthians 4:5 – There Are No Permanent SecretsMP3YouTube
There probably isn’t a person who doesn’t have a few secrets that he wishes could remain buried forever.  Even if you have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for the free gift of everlasting life and are a dedicated follower of Jesus Christ, the fact is that there are no permanent secrets.  Hypocrisy does not pay, for every secret thing and every secret word will someday be revealed.  Even Christians can fall into the trap of hypocrisy, where we are more concerned about what others think of us than we are concerned about what we really are in the sight of God.  Forgiving our sins is not the same as keeping those sins a secret.  In the future world there will be no hypocrisy.   For Christians, all secrets will be revealed when we stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ.  Other passages mentioned: 2 Kings 11:14; 2 Samuel 11:1-12:13.

Luke 12:29-34; Revelation 2:26-27 – Beware of the Real Estate RobbersMP3YouTube
There are 3 real estate robbers in the kingdom of God, wrong priorities, greedy selfishness and thief of hearts. We all tend to pursue our material necessities first, and to give those things our basic priority. If we do that, then we are no different than the unsaved world around us. We should be different, because our Father in heaven already knows that we need these things. Seek the kingdom of God and all these material needs will be added to you. Why should we seek the kingdom of God? God wants to give His kingdom to us. Who is qualified to possess the kingdom of God? The kingdom of God is designed to be possessed by disciples of Jesus Christ who are generous, unselfish and self-sacrificing. Other passages mentioned: Matthew 6:33; Acts 4:32-5:10; 2 Timothy 2:12.

Luke 12:32-40 – Get Ready! Get Set! Go! – MP3YouTube
There are two sides to becoming a king in God’s kingdom.  We do serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but He will also serve us. Those little acts of service that we do and the hardships, frustrations and disappointments that are part of serving God in this life, will be repaid in full by the Lord Jesus Christ, and we who are to await Him as servants will find ourselves being served by our Master. Other passages mentioned: 2 Timothy 2:12; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.

Luke 12:40-48 – Big Trouble in God’s Courtroom (December 15, 1991) – MP3YouTube
All born-again Christians will have a day in court that they will not be able to avoid. This day in court has nothing to do with the question of whether a Christian will go to heaven or to hell. When one believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as one’s personal Savior, that person’s destiny in heaven is guaranteed. When Jesus Christ returns, all Christians must stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Are you ready for your day in court? The crucial thing about the Judgment Seat of Christ is not how we have been like as Christians days ago or years ago, but what we are like as Christians when Jesus returns. Other passages mentioned: Romans 14:10-12; Acts 16:31; John 14:21; Hebrews 4:12-13; Revelation 3:4.

Luke 12:54-13:5 – America, a Country About to Crash (March 29, 1992)MP3YouTube
The weather report for the United States of America is that the storm of God’s judgment lies ahead for this country. What is America’s basic underlying problem?  We, as a country, do not do the right thing. A nation is in big trouble when its people refuse to do and say what is right in the sight of God. Repentance is not a condition for eternal salvation. Repentance is a condition for escaping God’s judgment here on this earth. Unless the sinners of America repent, they could all likewise perish. Other passages mentioned include: Genesis 9:6; Numbers 35:33; Romans 6:23; Acts 16:31.

Luke 13:6-9 – Is Your Future Already Here? (April 19, 1992, Easter)MP3YouTube
What kind of tree are you? Are your roots down into the waters of God’s word and bringing forth fruit or are you a barren fig tree just waiting for the judgment of God? Who prays for us, that we may have an extended opportunity to do what is right? Other passages: Luke 13:1-5; Psalm 1:1-3.

Luke 13:10-17 – Beware of the Burden of Bondage (May 31, 1992)MP3YouTube
Satan has trapped millions under the bondage of addiction. What do those under the bondage of addiction need? They need what the woman who had a spirit of infirmity needed. They need the power of Jesus’ word and the strength that Jesus’ hands alone can impart. The Christian church needs to be the place, where we introduce people to the delivering power of Jesus Christ, to the power that His word can have in their lives and to the strength that His hands can impart.  Other passages mentioned: Matthew 17:18; Luke 9:42; Luke 4:35; John 8:31-36; John 11:1-44.

Luke 13:10-21; Titus 3:4-7 – The Evil Birds Are Here (1992)MP3YouTube
The ruler of the synagogue who condemns Jesus for healing on the Sabbath reflects a view that the mercy of God is forbidden by the law of God. Our salvation has nothing to do with the law of God or the righteousness of works or surrender or submission. Our salvation is an act of totally undeserved mercy and grace from God. There is no doctrine in Christendom today that is more likely to produce hypocrisy than Lordship Salvation. Lordship Salvation is a problem that strikes at our most fundamental beliefs. Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone and assurance of one’s salvation is by resting on the promises of God’s Word. Other passages mentioned: Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:1-11; Romans 4:5; Romans 3:21-22; Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 3:19; James 2:10; Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-20; Luke 8:4-15; Matthew 16:6-12; Acts 16:31. Message given at the Greenwood Hills Bible Conference.

Luke 13:31-35 – Living in the Shadow of Death (1992)MP3YouTube
How does our Lord Jesus Christ react to a threat on His life? Jesus does not give into fear but goes ahead and does what God the Father wants Him to do. Like our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to be willing to take a chance under the guidance of God to get the Gospel to men. We need to be followers of our bold, brave, and compassionate Savior. Other passages mentioned: Psalm 23:4; 2 Kings 21:1-16; Revelation 11:3-10.

Luke 14:1-14 – Don’t Eat the Sour Pickles! (1992)MP3YouTube
As Jesus dines in the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees, we learn not to eat the sour pickle of an unmerciful and uncaring spirit, the sour pickle of self-exaltation, and the sour pickle of self-serving kindness.  Compassion, humility and unselfish kindness are good at all times and for everything that you do.

Luke 14:15-27; Luke 12:31-34 – Don’t Lose Your Golden Wallet (1992)MP3YouTube
Some Christians are careless with their future wallets in the kingdom of God. When I serve and follow Jesus Christ, I am depositing the valuable treasure of the kingdom to my own account in the bank of heaven. There is no good excuse for not putting Jesus Christ first in your life.  When we fail to put Jesus Christ first, that is how we lose our golden wallet. What is wrong with American Christians is that we have too much money. We are too involved in our own affairs and those things take priority over Jesus Christ. Each of us as a Christian, has a divine Suitor. Someone who loves us very deeply and wants to win our love, our commitment and our lifelong dedication.  Our Suitor is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Other passages mentioned: Luke 14:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:24-25.

Luke 15:8-10; 1 Timothy 3:14-15 – Just Because There Is a Need (November 1992)MP3YouTube
There are three words to remember when looking at the parable of the lost coin: value, diligence and joy. Repentance has nothing to do with the reception of the free gift of eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ. What is the point of repentance? Repentance is the condition for fellowship with God.  Repentance from our sins is the condition for living lives in harmony with Jesus Christ.  If you don’t repent, you are out of fellowship with Jesus Christ your Savior and Lord.  The parable of the lost coin is a story about a Christian who has wandered away from the path that God wants them on, and the only way the Christian can come back is to repent of his sins and return to God.  Whatever is done to the glory of God in the Christian church all over the world, it is done by the power and working of the Holy Spirit of God.  Other passages mentioned: Acts 16:31; John 6:47; John 3:16; 1 Timothy 5:14; Proverbs 31. Note, this message is a partial recording that ends around 32 minutes.

Luke 15:11-24 – But the Money Was Gone (December 1992)MP3YouTube
There is a very good chance that the prodigal son was a teenager. In the story of the prodigal son, we learn that God is gracious and forgiving, but the days that are wasted will never come back again and the eternal rewards that could have been won have been lost forever.  This message also gives insights on how to raise a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter.  Note, at times the recording quality is poor.

Luke 16:10-13 – Money Is the Measure of the Man (January 24, 1993)MP3YouTube
Which world do you want to rich in? The one here and now or the future kingdom.  God sees the way we value the insignificant things of this world: money, taxes, and other material things which reveal our discernment, dedication, and discipline.

Luke 16:14-18 – Don’t Join the Self-Justifiers (February 14, 1993)MP3YouTube
What is the tallest tale that a man can tell?  I am a good person.  It doesn’t matter how good we look to men, what counts is what God sees on the inside.  Jesus Christ was the only truly good person that ever walked the face of this earth.  If you have convinced someone that you are a good person, you have convinced a dummy. This message was given two weeks after the Dallas Cowboys football team won the Super Bowl.  During the victory parade for the Dallas Cowboys, violence and vandalism broke out.  Note, this message is a partial recording that ends around 29 minutes.  Other passages mentioned: Romans 3:28-31; Luke 18:9-14, 8-19; Luke 10:30-37; Romans 3:20; James 2:10; Romans 3-4; Romans 4:5-6; Romans 3:19-20.

Luke 16:19-31 – Pleasure Has an Exit Door Marked Death (1993)MP3YouTube
What is the most potent, the most addictive, the most intoxicating, and the most dangerous drug known to man? Pleasure.  The purpose of the story of the rich man and Lazarus is not to explain why Lazarus and the rich man are where they are, but to show that these two men have traded places. Those who never believe in Jesus Christ for the free gift of eternal life will one day find that their days of pleasure will come to an end.  The Word of God is more valuable than a whole lifetime filled with pleasure.  The only really stable and solid thing in this world is the Word of God.  Other passages: 2 Cor 5:8; Ephesians 2:8-9; Luke 24:13, 25-27.

Luke 17:3-10 – Faith Is Not a Bingo Game (May 2, 1993)MP3YouTube
Tragically, there are born again Christians, that think of God as Someone Who will give them instant gratification. They think if they play the game right, then God will reward them lavishly here and now.  Is there such thing as a big faith compared to a small faith? The issue in faith is not the size of faith. The issue in faith is whether it is there. Faith is having confidence in what God says. The Bible never contrasts big faith with little faith. Faith is always contrasted with unbelief.  The needs and desires of the Master come ahead of the needs and desires of the slave. All that we do in Christian service is what we have been commanded to do and we are unprofitable servants. The life of faith is lived with the recognition, that God comes first, all the time throughout the entirety of our lives, and then He will reward us graciously.  Other passages mentioned: John 6:47;  John 11:25-27; Matthew 5:21.

Luke 17:11-19 – Who Stole My Wheels? (May 16, 1993)MP3YouTube
Out of the ten men that were healed of their leprosy, only one man had good spiritual transportation.  The one leper who returned to give thanks to Jesus had the very best spiritual transportation that the world knows anything about, a GTG (Gratitude to God). There is a Creator who gives us all things richly to enjoy and it is serious when we fail to give thanks appropriately to Him. Are we driving and driven by Gratitude to God? If that doesn’t fit us, then we should ask ourselves the question, “Who stole my wheels?” The way to live a healthy sound fully vital Christian life is by being grateful enough to act on your gratitude toward God.  Other passages mentioned: Luke 18:11-14; Titus 3:5,7.

Luke 17:20-25 – Despite the Labor Pains, Here Comes the Joy (June 6, 1993)MP3YouTube
Do you realize that whenever an unsaved sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ for the free gift of everlasting life, that in that very moment of faith in Christ, that he is not only born into the family of God forever, but that he also becomes a citizen of the kingdom of God.  The kingdom of God is in the midst of the world, composed of every single individual who has believed in Jesus for the free gift of everlasting life.  But, that is only the beginning. Once we know that we are members of the invisible kingdom that is right here and now, we can look forward to the kingdom that will indeed come with observation. Other passages mentioned include: 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3; Revelation 6-18; Colossians 1:13; John 5:24; John 6:47.

Luke 18:1-8 – Never Stop Saying, “I’m Here” (August 22, 1993)MP3YouTube
Can God still hear you saying, “I’m here.”? Prayer is more important than our food and our sleep. Never give up on prayer. When it comes to prayer, it is always too soon to quit.

Luke 18:18-30 – Rich Young Ruler (1988)MP3YouTube
Lordship salvation theology views Jesus’ interview with the rich young ruler as the very best example of personal evangelism by Jesus recorded in the New Testament.  Lordship salvation fails to understand the story of the rich young ruler on two levels: (1) What is really happening in this story (the historical level)? (2) What is the role of this story in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke which were written to Christians (the literary level)? The story of the rich young ruler is pre-evangelism and not evangelism.  (1) Historically, what is going on in this story is a case of pre-evangelism, where Jesus uses the call of discipleship to break through the rich young ruler’s façade of self-righteousness.  (2) Literarily, the story of the rich young ruler is a warning to Christians to not allow our material possessions, to prevent our discipleship to Jesus Christ or to deprive us of heavenly treasure. Other passages: Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; John 3:1-21; John 4:1-42; John 10:10; Galatians 6:8; Romans 3:9-20; Luke 10:25-29; Galatians 3:21; John 2:19-21; John 11:11-14; Matthew 16:5-12; Luke 8:13-17; Romans 4:5-6; Romans 3:5; Matthew 18:3; 2 Corinthians 4:6.

Luke 18:28-30 – Children Lost Yet Found (1993)MP3YouTube
There are many ways that parents can lose their children.  The very best way to lose a child is to lose a child to God.   We are not talking about abandoning our families once and for all, but we are talking about people who are committed to Jesus Christ and their commitment sometimes takes them away from home.  A life committed to Jesus is the most rewarding and satisfying life that anyone can live. Don’t expect your children to understand this unless you as a Christian parent understand it yourself. A life of dedication to Jesus Christ, pays off big here and now, but it pays off even bigger in the age to come. If you lose your children to a life of sin, that is a horrible and tragic loss, but if you lose them to God, then you really find them, for you find them as a wonderful joy both in the present time and in the age to come. Other passages: Luke 16:26; John 5:24; John 6:47; John 10:10.

Luke 18:31-43 – Get It Straight; Do It Right! (December 12, 1993)MP3YouTube
One of the reasons that we are often blind to the significance of the cross of Christ for our daily life and experience, is because we never ask Jesus for eyesight. One reason is that we don’t open the Bible and we don’t ask God to give us insight, to give us vision and to take away any blindness in our hearts. If your eyes are really open to the significance of the cross of Christ, it will inspire you to follow Him through your life and to glorify His name. This is what life is all about, following Jesus Christ and giving glory to God.  If we do it right, then other people will see what God has done for us and they too will glorify God. Other passage: Acts 16:31.

Luke 19:12-27 – Parable of the Minas; Parable of the Talents – Zane Hodges and Bob Wilkin DiscussionMP3 / YouTube
Zane Hodges and Bob Wilkin conclude their discussion the Olivet discourse with the parable of the talents.  Also discussed in relation with the parable of the talents is the parable of the minas in Luke 19:12-27.

Luke 19:41-44 – Sooner or Later, You Pay (September 26, 1999) – MP3 / YouTube
One of the most lovely statements in the Bible is that “the Lord is my shepherd”, but we quickly forget that the shepherd has a rod and a staff, which he disciplines and chastens his sheep.  If we forget the longsuffering of God and we go on our own way and pretend that He is not there, sooner or later, we pay.  If you are a disobedient parent, you cannot protect yourself or your children from the consequences of disobedience in your own lives. Other passages mentioned: Galatians 6:7; John 11:33-35; Luke 19:34-38; Hebrews 12:6; Psalm 23:1,4; Zechariah 9:9; John 19:15; Matthew 27:22-25.

Luke 20:9-18 – The Buck Stops Here (April 24, 1994)MP3YouTube
In our modern day and society, one of the things that people try to avoid the most is responsibility.  If something goes wrong in their life, they don’t like to accept responsibility for themselves.  It is crucial that we accept our God given responsibilities.  Salvation is absolutely free, but the minute you get saved, you are a vineyard keeper and have a responsibility to God.  Accept the responsibilities that God has given to you, in order to avoid the moment in your life when you have been overtaken by disaster.  When you accept the responsibilities that God has given to you, good things can begin to happen.

Luke 20:19-26 – Faith + Fantasy = Frustration (May 29, 1994)MP3YouTube
A problem that has haunted the Christian church from almost the very beginning, is the problem of confusing religious reality with religious fantasy.  One of the ways we can fall into a fantasy, is through our own sense of pride and our own sense of self-importance.  Sometimes we are tempted to feel so important and so special and that we have such a special faith, that we believe that God is going to do some spectacular thing for us, which God has not promised in His word at all.  When you leave the solid ground of the promises in God’s word, it is easy to move into fantasy land and to believe all sorts of things that our own minds and other minds create, which have nothing to do with the promises in God’s word. The Bible is the only guide we got.  If we turn aside to imaginary ideas, mirages and fantasies, we are going to reap the consequences of that. We need to keep our heads in the Bible and reject the fantasies that exist all around us.  Other passage mentioned Romans 13:1-2.

Luke 22:14-30 – Reach Out for the Morning Star (November 13, 1994)MP3YouTube
One of the most powerful themes in human experience is that of separation and reunion.  Do you realize that whenever we pass through suffering that is caused by separation, no matter what that separation may be, Jesus knows what that is all about, has experienced it, and prays for us in that kind of suffering. The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is not just to remember what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us, but to keep Him close to our hearts, to be moved each week by the magnificent sacrifice that Jesus has made for us. Despite the fact, that we are all so full of failures, if we stick it out in the Christian life, if we hold fast the profession of faith and if we don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together, when Jesus has His reunion with His disciples, we will also have fellowship with Him and we will share in His reign and the morning star will be ours. Other passages: Hebrews 4:15; Acts 16:31; Revelation 2:26-28; 2 Timothy 2:12.

Luke 22:31-34 – Christians in the Devil’s Den (December 11, 1994)MP3YouTube
Satan cannot upset the lives of believers unless he has God’s permission. Before God allows us to fail, we can be sure that our Lord Jesus Christ has already prayed for us.  God’s purpose in allowing us to fail is that we might return to Him and be useful to Him like we could not have been useful before. Christian, the next time you are in the devil’s den, remember you can’t do it on your own, the victory can be yours through your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Other passages: Job 1-2; John 6:35, 37-39.

Luke 22:35-38 – The Glory of Christian Rejection (January 1, 1995)MP3YouTube
Even though rejection is never a pleasant experience, for a Christian (a person who has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for the free gift of eternal life) rejection can be a badge of honor.  We have opportunities in this day and time to share in the rejection of Jesus Christ and to identify ourselves with Him and with the rejection that men give to Him. We are called to bear the reproach of Jesus Christ.  We can wear the reproach of Jesus Christ as a badge of honor because it leads us to rich reward. Other passages: Hebrews 13:12-14; Isaiah 53; Luke 6:22-23, 26.

Luke 22:47-53 – Walking on the Darkside (1995)MP3YouTube
In this passage we see three signs that the powers of darkness are at work.  One of the frequent signs, that the powers of darkness are at work, is treachery and betrayal.   Another sign, that Satan is involved in his characteristic activity, is when in disregard to the counsel of God, we act recklessly, rashly and foolishly. Insulting and demeaning behavior towards others is also a mark of the work of darkness.  Other passages mentioned: Mark 14:44; John 13:27-30; Luke 22:31-32; John 8:12.

Luke 22:54-62 – Spiritual Aftershock (April 2, 1995)MP3YouTube
When one is a Christian, they are a Christian forever. However, it is possible for a Christian to be separated from the fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ by the troubles, disturbances and earthquakes in our lives. In the crisis of life, we are tempted to give up on Jesus, but instead that is the time to walk closer with Him. When you walk away from God, you are walking in dangerous territory, because Satan is there ready to attack. Never say, “I would never do that.” Always say, “God help me, never to do that.” Even after the earthquakes and aftershocks in our lives, Jesus is saying to you, “Serve Me.”  Other passages: Luke 22:33-34; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:49-51; John 18:10; Matthew 26:50-53; John 6:37; John 6:35; John 4:13.

Luke 22:63-71-62; 1 Peter 2:21-25 – When You Have Been Done Wrong, Do You Do Right? (April 16, 1995)MP3YouTube
When you and I are treated unfairly and unjustly, usually silence is not our strong point on occasions like that. However, the Lord Jesus Christ did not respond with even a single harsh word when being reviled and treated unjustly. When you confront injustice, unfairness and cruelty, the very wisest thing you can do is to commit your case to God, who is the righteous Judge. When you confront the cruelty and injustice of men in obedience to God, it may leave scars. Some of them may be physical and others may be emotional, but those scars can be a badge of honor. They can be a mark of your obedience to God and your faithfulness to Him, and in due time He will vindicate you. When you have been done wrong, be sure that you do right and leave the outcome to God, just as our Lord Jesus Christ Himself did. Other passages: Acts 2:33-35; John 3:16.

Luke 23:1-7; John 18:33-38 – The Art of Avoiding Jesus Christ (August 20, 1995)MP3YouTube
Have we been avoiding a necessary examination?  There are times in our lives when we are unprepared for an examination. That is what happened to the Roman governor, Pontus Pilate.  Pilate faced one of the most basic issues of human life, that is the authority of Jesus Christ.  Do you accept the authority of Jesus Christ? After you are saved, the major issue in your life is the authority of Jesus Christ. Sometimes Christians acknowledge the authority of Jesus Christ, but that is not the same as obeying Him. Do we obey the authority of Jesus Christ? The only way to have a home where Jesus lives is to have a home where the authority of Jesus Christ is acted on in obedience to His will.  Other passages mentioned: Matthew 28:18; Philippians 2:9-11; John 6:47; John 14:23.

Luke 23:8-12 – You Can’t Swim in Shallow Water (September 3, 1995)MP3 / YouTube
In Herod we find one of the most superficial people in the Bible. Herod is an example of a person who is more concerned with looking good in front of other people than in doing what is right. There are probably many people in church whose experience with God is shallow and superficial.  Sometimes when Christians do not get what they want from God, they end up turning their backs to God or walking away from Him, simply because God didn’t do it their way. Until our commitment to Jesus Christ becomes real and deep, we won’t progress as Christians, and we won’t enter into the rich experience of fellowship and friendship with the Son of God. Other passages: Matthew 14:1-11; Mark 6:14-29; John 14:6; John 5:24; 1 Corinthians 1:9.

Luke 23:13-25 – Where the Crowd Leads Don’t Follow (September 17, 1995)MP3 / YouTube
One of the hardest things we have to do in life sometimes is to stand alone and to stand up by ourselves when the opposition is coming at us at every side.  Every Christian will sooner or later confront a crowd that doesn’t want to do the right thing.  If you are a believer in Christ, sooner or later the will of the crowd will clash with the will of God, and you will have to make the decision.  The decision you make should be guided by a very basic principle: where the crowd leads don’t follow.  Even though our eternal salvation is a free gift from God, the Christian life is for people who say I will defend my Christian commitment whatever the cost, and I will never surrender to the crowd.

Luke 23:26 – Climb, Climb up Calvary’s Mountain (October 1995) – MP3 / YouTube
The experience of Simon of Cyrenia presents us with one of the most remarkable examples and striking illustrations of the real significance and meaning of Christian living.   Simon becomes a part of the Calvary experience of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.  The Christian life is a process of cross bearing. It is taking up the burden and carrying that burden in fidelity to Jesus Christ. There is a sense that every dedicated disciple is compelled and forced to follow Jesus Christ.  You won’t last as a disciple unless the driving force of your discipleship is the love of Jesus Christ for you. Other passages mentioned: Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 2:20; Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23, 14:27; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15.

Luke 23:27-31 – Don’t Walk Away from the Game (November 5, 1995)MP3 / YouTube
There are a lot of Christians who at one time were competing for the Lord Jesus Christ, but who have now turned their back on that competition. Our minds tend to focus on our own difficulties, frustrations and problems and everything else around us tends to fade into the background. If there was ever a man who had a right to focus on his own troubles, difficulties, frustrations and problems to the exclusion of everything else, that man was our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead, Jesus tells the women mourners, “Do not weep for Me.” Happy is the Christian man or woman who in the midst of trial is so confident in the goodness of God, that no matter what that trial may be, they can say, “Do not weep for me.” Jesus was not preoccupied with Himself but was concerned for other people in the midst of His darkest and most dangerous hour. We must never be caught up in our own problems and concerns, that we forget about the desperate need of the people we meet every day. Bearing witness to Jesus Christ is the most important game in town. One of our most wonderful privileges is to stand up and speak up for the Son of God, our glorious and wonderful and coming Savior. Other passages: Luke 22-23:1-26; Matthew 27:26-31; John 19:1-3; Revelation 6:12-17; Psalms 1:3; 1 Peter 4:17.

Luke 23:39-43 – Be Impossible to Forget (December 17, 1995)MP3 / YouTube

One of the deepest felt needs of the human heart is the need to be remembered.  However, all of us have the capacity to forget people. Was the thief on the cross asking Jesus to save him or take him into the kingdom?  Nobody in the New Testament has ever asked Jesus to save them from eternal punishment.  We are not saved by asking Jesus to save us. We are saved by believing that Jesus keeps His promise to save us when we trust Him to do that.  We do not need to pray or ask to be saved. We just need to believe in Jesus for the free gift of everlasting life.  By the thief’s faithfulness to Jesus Christ when Jesus was dying alone, the thief on the cross became impossible to forget and was rewarded in the kingdom.  The question is whether Jesus will remember us in the same way.

Luke 23:44-46 – The Cross of Christ Is God’s Waiting Room (April 7, 1996)MP3 / YouTube
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is an amazing story.  It is heartwarming, inspiring and absolutely true.  Will the living Lord find you in the waiting room?   All the pain in God’s waiting room has been borne by the Great Physician, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Every Christian has entered God’s waiting room and is waiting for the return of Christ to take them back to be with Himself.  The only way to get into God’s waiting room is faith in the One, who loved you, died for you, and rose again.  The only way we can take advantage of what Jesus has done for us is to believe on Him for everlasting life. The Christian can also learn something in God’s waiting room. Jesus died the way He lived His life, in confident trust of His loving heavenly Father.  The cross of Jesus Christ is not only God’s waiting room, where we wait confidently for the coming of His Son, but it is also our school room where we learn to trust God through all our lives.  If you have trusted in Jesus Christ for everlasting life, then you can trust Jesus for everything else regardless of what it may be. Other passages: John 14:9; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1Peter 2:24; Hebrews 9:1-9; Hebrews 10:20; 1 Peter 3:18; Philippians 3:20; John 3:16; Titus 3:5; John 5:24; Psalms 22:14-15; John 20:5-7; Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 10:23.

Luke 23:44-49 – Christian Suffering: The Real Stuff (1996)MP3 / YouTube
If we follow in the steps of Jesus Christ, if we suffer innocently to the glory of God, if that results in an impact on the lives of men and a witness to the sufferings of the Savior, then be very sure that experience of Christian suffering is genuine, authentic and the real stuff.   Other passages mentioned: John 10:18; 1 Peter 4:15-16; Luke 23:13-25; 2 Timothy 2:10; 1 Peter 2:21.

Luke 23:50-53 – Be There, Do It! (June 16, 1996)MP3 / YouTube
What qualified Joseph of Arimathea for the wonderful opportunity and privilege of burying the Creator of the universe, the Lord Jesus Christ?  Joseph was a man of character, Christian courage and deep and profound commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.  To get opportunities to do something significant for God, you need to be a Christian of character, courage and commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you are, wherever there is something for you to do, God can be sure that you are there and able to do it.  Other passages: John 1:1-3,14; Luke 23:42; Matthew 27:57-60.

Luke 23:49, 54-56; 24:1-11 – Collapse or Comeback, Which Will It Be? (July 28, 1996)MP3 / YouTube
How did the women who followed Jesus from Galilee respond to the setback of Jesus’ crucifixion? They continued to serve Jesus and to persevere in their dedication to Him. These women’s comeback began when they realized that Jesus Christ is alive. The most fundamental and basic rule that you and I can follow regardless of the setbacks that come into our life and experience is that we should press forward in our determination to serve Jesus in whatever way we can. Jesus rising from the dead is the greatest comeback in human history, and because He is alive, our comeback is possible from any setback that life can bring us. Other passages: Luke 8:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:58.

Luke 24:12-29 – El Compañero del Camino de Vida (The Companion on the Road to Life) (September 15, 1996)MP3 / YouTube
Cleopas and his companion on their 7 mile walk to Emmaus had the most amazing and wonderful walk ever, because of their traveling Companion. Jesus was their Companion, became their Teacher and then became their Guest. Other passages: Hebrews 13:5; John 14:23.

Luke 24:28-35 – Seal that Friendship! (1996)MP3 / YouTube
Each Christian has a long-distance friendship that is important to cultivate each and every day of one’s life. If you want friendship with Jesus Christ, the Bible needs to be precious to you, and you need to allow the Holy Spirit to set your heart and soul on fire with the word of God, and to attract you and to pull you into the fellowship of God’s Son and friendship with Him. Where in all the places on earth are we most likely to know the Lord Jesus Christ in an intimately way? It is the Lord’s Supper. The Lord’s Supper is Jesus’ ordinance and His command, and where Jesus manifests Himself as the One who died, was buried and rose again.

Luke 24:33-43 – Sudden Improvement (1996)MP3 / YouTube
Did you know that every Christian (one who has believed in Jesus for the free gift of everlasting life) is a candidate for sudden improvement in your physical body?  Our bodies have limits which we cannot improve beyond.  The only person who is able give us a marvelous and wonderful improvement in our physical bodies, is the Person who created them, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  God uses the model of our Lord’s own resurrection body, as the model, example and pattern by which He will improve the physical body of every single Christian.  The capacity of our new physical bodies will be designed in some way to serve God and glorify God in ways that we have never been able to do before. Other passages: Psalm 16:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.