
1 Samuel 28:3-25 – Saul Consults a Medium (May 15, 1994) – MP3YouTube
By looking at the life of King Saul and in particular his experience in consulting a medium, Zane discusses how Satan is able to influence our minds, which leads to words or actions according to Satan’s purposes.  How can we recognize the activities of Satan in our lives?  It is through the Word of God. We have a choice. We can choose either to be victorious by submitting ourselves unto to God and resisting the devil using the Word of God or we can open ourselves up and our pride and self-will to manipulation, deception and to defeat.  Other passages: Leviticus 19:31, 20:6; Matthew 12:40; Luke 23:43; Luke 16:19-31; Job 1:11, 2:9; Matthew 16:21-23; Acts 5:3; 1 Samuel 16:14-23; Matthew 4:3-4; John 16:2; James 4:6-7.

Luke 22:31-34 – Christians in the Devil’s Den (December 11, 1994)MP3YouTube
Satan cannot upset the lives of believers unless he has God’s permission. Before God allows us to fail, we can be sure that our Lord Jesus Christ has already prayed for us.  God’s purpose in allowing us to fail is that we might return to Him and be useful to Him like we could not have been useful before. Christian, the next time you are in the devil’s den, remember you can’t do it on your own, the victory can be yours through your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Other passages: Job 1-2; John 6:35, 37-39.

 Luke 22:47-53 – Walking on the Darkside (1995)MP3YouTube
In this passage we see three signs that the powers of darkness are at work.  One of the frequent signs, that the powers of darkness are at work, is treachery and betrayal.   Another sign, that Satan is involved in his characteristic activity, is when in disregard to the counsel of God, we act recklessly, rashly and foolishly. Insulting and demeaning behavior towards others is also a mark of the work of darkness.  Other passages mentioned: Mark 14:44; John 13:27-30; Luke 22:31-32; John 8:12.

Luke 22:54-62 – Spiritual Aftershock (April 2, 1995)MP3YouTube
When one is a Christian, they are a Christian forever. However, it is possible for a Christian to be separated from the fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ by the troubles, disturbances and earthquakes in our lives. In the crisis of life, we are tempted to give up on Jesus, but instead that is the time to walk closer with Him. When you walk away from God, you are walking in dangerous territory, because Satan is there ready to attack. Never say, “I would never do that.” Always say, “God help me, never to do that.” Even after the earthquakes and aftershocks in our lives, Jesus is saying to you, “Serve Me.”  Other passages: Luke 22:33-34; Mark 14:29-31; Luke 22:49-51; John 18:10; Matthew 26:50-53; John 6:37; John 6:35; John 4:13.

End Times (Eschatology) Questions and Answers (May 17, 2004)MP3 / YouTube
Zane Hodges answers the following questions on the end times (eschatology) at Coast Bible Church: 4:43 Do believers receive an intermediate body when they die and go to be with the Lord until the day their physical bodies are raised out of the grave at the Rapture? 5:25 In our glorified bodies how will our relationship to time and space change? 7:20 What role will the Old Testament law have in the times following the Rapture? 9:13 Are lost people judged and condemned because they have not believed in Jesus Christ (John 3:18) or because of their works (Revelation 20:12)? 17:55 Explain Paul’s experience in 2 Corinthians 12:2-3. 19:47 When is the Judgment Seat of Christ? 22:25 Will we become part of the cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1? 23:07 Will there be a literal marriage feast in the kingdom? 24:20 Does the reference to “joy in heaven over one sinner who repents” in Luke 15:7 indicate that people who are dead in heaven are interested in what is going on here? 27:26  What degree are Gentiles going to be held to the law and what is the role of the law in the Millennium?  Is the law just to bring people to a knowledge of sin or does the law have a sanctification purpose in the Millennium? 33:30  Will the sacrificial system that is reinstated in the Millennium be performed with real animals? 39:28 How can it be that the most-high created being (Satan) think that he can overcome his Creator? 43:20 Will unbelievers, who remain on earth after the Rapture and go into the Tribulation, have a second chance to believe the gospel? 46:30 Will glorified believers sense of time be different during the Tribulation and Millennium?  48:05.  What is your view of the “outer darkness” mentioned in the parables in Matthew?51:10 Can you explain how the looking at the serpent for healing in Numbers 21:9 is used as an analogy to illustrate believing in Jesus in John 3? 53:43 Regarding, the saints who have died and are crying out under the altar in Revelation 6:9-10, have these saints received their glorified bodies?  Also, will glorified believers know what is going on during the Tribulation?