
2 Kings 5:14-27 – That Gun Is Loaded (February 17, 2002) MP3YouTube
In this sequel to Naaman’s story of leprosy, Naaman learns that the mercy and grace of God are absolutely free.  One of the tragedies of the American church is that there are so many churches who teach and believe, that you cannot get into heaven unless you are willing to follow the Lord Jesus Christ or surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ. People who think that way about the God of the Bible, do not understand the God of the Bible. Elisha’s servant, Gehazi, is afflicted with the disease of greed, which is similar to playing with a loaded gun. The Lord doesn’t need our pennies, but if we are smart, we will invest everything we can into His capable hands, and He will return it with magnificent interest in the kingdom of God.  Other passages: Romans 6:2-3; Ephesians 2:8-9; Revelation 22:17; John 5:24; 1 Timothy 6:10; Psalm 24:1.

Luke 16:10-13 – Money Is the Measure of the Man (January 24, 1993)MP3YouTube
Which world do you want to rich in? The one here and now or the future kingdom.  God sees the way we value the insignificant things of this world: money, taxes, and other material things which reveal our discernment, dedication, and discipline.