
Overview and Purpose of the Book of Acts (October 4, 1993)MP3 / YouTube
In this message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane Hodges gives an overview of the book of Acts and discusses the purpose of the book Acts.  Zane breaks the book of Acts into six panels: Acts 1:4-6:7 as Panel 1, Acts 6:8-9:31 as Panel 2, Acts 9:32-12:24 as Panel 3, Acts 12:25-16:5 as Panel 4, Acts 16:6-19:20 as Panel 5, Acts 19:21-28:31 as Panel 6.

Acts 1:4-6:7 (Panel #1) – The Church Founded at Jerusalem (October 5, 1993)MP3 / YouTube
In this second message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane discusses the first panel of the book of Acts, the founding of the church in Jerusalem.

Acts 2:32-47 – Baptism and Salvation, Part 3 (1975)MP3 / YouTube
In this third of four messages on Baptism and Salvation in the Book of Acts, Zane looks at the experience of Jews in the land of Israel at the time of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost.

Acts 2:38; 10:43-48; 13:38, 48; 22:16 – Salvation in the Book of Acts (October 9, 1993)MP3YouTube
In Zane’s last message to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship on the book of Acts, Zane examines salvation, the reception of eternal life, forgiveness, fellowship, justification, gift of the Holy Spirit and baptism.   

Acts 3:13-15 – Where the Crowd Leads Don’t Follow (September 17, 1995)MP3 / YouTube
One of the hardest things we have to do in life sometimes is to stand alone and to stand up by ourselves when the opposition is coming at us at every side.  Every Christian will sooner or later confront a crowd that doesn’t want to do the right thing.  If you are a believer in Christ, sooner or later the will of the crowd will clash with the will of God, and you will have to make the decision.  The decision you make should be guided by a very basic principle: where the crowd leads don’t follow.  Even though our eternal salvation is a free gift from God, the Christian life is for people who say I will defend my Christian commitment whatever the cost, and I will never surrender to the crowd.

Acts 6:8-9:31 (Panel #2) – The Book of the Three Preachers; Acts 9:32-12:24 (Panel #3) – The Book of the Three Cities (October 7, 1993)MP3YouTube
In this third message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane discusses the second panel of the book of Acts, the book of the three preachers, and the third panel of the book of Acts, the book of the three cities.

Acts 9:1-18; 22:6-16; 26:12-18 – Baptism and Salvation, Part 2 – The Conversion of Saul (1975)MP3 / YouTube
In this second of four messages on Baptism and Salvation in the Book of Acts, Zane examines the experience of Saul on the road to Damascus.

Acts 10:1-6, 30-48; 11:1-18 – Baptism and Salvation, Part 1 – Conversion of a Religious Man (1975)MP3YouTube
In this first of four messages on Baptism and Salvation in the Book of Acts, Zane examines the experience of a Gentile, Cornelius, a Roman centurion in Caesarea.

Acts 12:25-15:31 (Panel #4) – The Establishment of the Pauline Apostleship (October 8, 1993)MP3YouTube
In this fourth message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane discusses the fourth panel of the book of Acts, the establishment of the Pauline apostleship.

Acts 13:14-39 – Baptism and Salvation, Part 4 – All Butterflies Go To Heaven (1975)MP3 / YouTube
In this final of four messages on Baptism and Salvation in the Book of Acts, Zane examines the experience of Jews outside of the land of Israel.

Acts 16:6-19:20 (Panel #5) – The Lord Jesus Glorified Among the Gentiles; Acts 19:21-28:31 (Panel #6) – Paul the Man (October 9, 1993)MP3YouTube
In this fifth message given to North Umpqua Bible Fellowship, Zane discusses the fifth panel of the book of Acts, the Lord Jesus glorified among the Gentiles, and the sixth panel of the book of Acts, focusing on Paul the man.

Acts 21:27-40; 22:22-29 – Patriotism and the Christian (September 23, 2001)MP3YouTube
In this passage, we see how the apostle Paul values his Roman citizenship.  Is it appropriate for a Christian to be patriotic for his country?  How should patriotism affect us?  What should patriotism lead us to think and do?

Acts 28:1-6 – Picking Up Sticks (2000)MP3YouTube
In this message, Zane looks at the example of the Apostle Paul in picking up sticks after a shipwreck.