
Luke 22:14-30 – Reach Out for the Morning Star (November 13, 1994)MP3YouTube
One of the most powerful themes in human experience is that of separation and reunion.  Do you realize that whenever we pass through suffering that is caused by separation, no matter what that separation may be, Jesus knows what that is all about, has experienced it, and prays for us in that kind of suffering. The purpose of the Lord’s Supper is not just to remember what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us, but to keep Him close to our hearts, to be moved each week by the magnificent sacrifice that Jesus has made for us. Despite the fact, that we are all so full of failures, if we stick it out in the Christian life, if we hold fast the profession of faith and if we don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together, when Jesus has His reunion with His disciples, we will also have fellowship with Him and we will share in His reign and the morning star will be ours. Other passages: Hebrews 4:15; Acts 16:31; Revelation 2:26-28; 2 Timothy 2:12.

Luke 22:63-71-62; 1 Peter 2:21-25 – When You Have Been Done Wrong, Do You Do Right? (April 16, 1995)MP3YouTube
When you and I are treated unfairly and unjustly, usually silence is not our strong point on occasions like that. However, the Lord Jesus Christ did not respond with even a single harsh word when being reviled and treated unjustly. When you confront injustice, unfairness and cruelty, the very wisest thing you can do is to commit your case to God, who is the righteous Judge. When you confront the cruelty and injustice of men in obedience to God, it may leave scars. Some of them may be physical and others may be emotional, but those scars can be a badge of honor. They can be a mark of your obedience to God and your faithfulness to Him, and in due time He will vindicate you. When you have been done wrong, be sure that you do right and leave the outcome to God, just as our Lord Jesus Christ Himself did. Other passages: Acts 2:33-35; John 3:16.

Luke 23:44-49 – Christian Suffering: The Real Stuff (1996)MP3 / YouTube
If we follow in the steps of Jesus Christ, if we suffer innocently to the glory of God, if that results in an impact on the lives of men and a witness to the sufferings of the Savior, then be very sure that experience of Christian suffering is genuine, authentic and the real stuff.   Other passages mentioned: John 10:18; 1 Peter 4:15-16; Luke 23:13-25; 2 Timothy 2:10; 1 Peter 2:21.